Saturday, December 13, 2008

The results are in

I survived my first contest. I received a good variety of scores. Of course we all dream about entering the first contest and wowing the judges. Well, that didn't happen. No, I didn't final. It was my first contest. I scored a good range of scores.

The judges had complimentary things to say but some valid criticism as well. Couple of scenes they loved. I think I have the misfortune of writing like I talk. Oh, you mean the paragraph isn't supposed to be one sentance. shucks! And the scary thing about misplaced modifyers. Sometimes I don't even see them. Yikes. And while some of my dialogue was brilliant other parts of it were not so brilliant, ok sucky! Hense the comment inquiriing whether or not I did in fact have a split personality. sigh, maybe so.

I took the comments to heart and had a serious look at my manuscript. The first eleven pages suddenly edited down to 4. Ok, not so suddenly. It could have been agony but wick wack. I sliced and diced like a ginsu master, cutting and rewording. That's dramatic. Then in re-reading the comments of one of the judges they said that the first section could be cut down to three or four pages and have a lot more impact. Okkkaaayy, I cut it down. I only hope it has more impact. I think it does. But this is coming from the person who thought her writing was good enought for a contest in the first place.

Some times when I read my stuff out loud it helps. Sometimes when I write I get too verbose. Sometimes things just sound awkward. arrrrg. The main thing is I got my writing out there. It was anonymous so my self-esteme is intact. I don't feel like I bombed. I am encouraged. The main thing is sticking in the game. So, call me Eden-freaking-velcro-Glenn.

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